Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nirvana - Dumb Unplugged

Dumb Lyric

I'm not like them
but I can pretend
the sun is gone
but I have a light
the day is done
but I'm having fun
I think I'm dumb
or maybe just happy
think I'm just happy

my heart is broke
but I have some glue
help me heal
and mend it with you
we float around
and hang out on clouds
then we'll come down
and have a hangover
have a hangover

skin the sun,fall asleep
wish away, soul is cheap
lesson learned, wish me luck
soothe the burn, wake me up

Song Notes : A drug-themed song, this relies on the theory that "Ignorance is bliss." Kurt Cobain compares repairing a broken heart with inhaling "glue."

"The lyrics, "Skin the sun, fall asleep, wish away, the soul is cheap, lesson learned, wish me luck, soothe the burn, wake me up" equate to how it feels so good to fall asleep in the sun, never mind the consequences of sunburn as in the consequences of a passionate relationship or drug use"

"The most noticeable drug reference is, "My heart is broke, but i have some glue. Help me inhale, and mend it with you," meaning getting over a heartbreak with the high from glue and maybe finding a drug buddy with it"

"Along with some other In Utero songs, many fans heard bootleg versions of this long before the album came out. At the Reading Festival in August 1992, this became clear when the audience started singing along"

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